Wednesday, November 4, 2009


And I had a need to rant.....

If one more person insinuates that me being married makes my opinions and experiences null and void, I might have to throw something. It's like I joined Peace Corps, stepped into this culture of single people and all of a sudden I came into this world married with no prior history or experiences. If one more person says "Oh well you're married so..." So what? I can't possibly understand the plight of a single person? I can't state an opinion about a relationship issue? I mean obviously I was born this way and never had any experience being single. What the heck people? I can let it go a few times, but it has become a staple part of the defense in any conversation I am a part of. I found out recently that when we first came to country, some of the girls didn't consider me part of the "girl" group because I was married. Sometimes I feel so isolated here. I went from having a core group of friends who were all married, to having no married friends. I don't even nescessarily need married friends.... just friends who don't make idiotic statements about the value of my opinions because of my marital status. Atleast people who can uderstand that being married is not my entire identity and doesn't define me as a human being. This blog was brought on by a comment that was made last night and I am still fuming over it. I refuse to look over it anymore. It's unfair and isolating.

1 comment:

  1. It's just 'cause you're married... :) Hi, from D.C. We miss you and love you.

    Dave and Jen
