So, with all that out of the way, I will bullet point the past few (non-dramatic) areas of our life. Prepare yourself for happiness.
• I acquired a thermometer. I watched it drop to -15 degrees Celsius outside one night. This is only about 5 degrees Fahrenheit but in a country with no insulation and no central heating in homes, that is quite an intense number. We wrapped ourselves like burritos in blankets.
• It snowed a lot one day! It started midday and by the next morning, we had over a foot on the ground. Again, not a ton by American standards but for me, that was a lot of snow. It is also quite formidable considering there is no salt for the ground and no snow plows for the streets. Even the snow shovels are hand made from wood. It was fun. *See picture
• We had this sitting in our kitchen for a few days. It just sat there, staring at us hoping the rest of its body would return so it could trot away. Tasty. *See picture
• Our sheep had babies! We have six of the cutest little sheep ever. One day, those cute little things will grow up to be the stinky nasty annoying creatures that I will find inside my dumplings next winter. Hooray! *See picture
• We had a cow come back from the fields a week ago. This know gives us a total of 3 cows, 20 or 21 sheep, and 20ish chickens (original recipe). To top that off, she is prego and will have her calf in February. Middle America, ripping the fields, a-oo a-oo! (5 pts if you can name the origin of that quote.)
• Rach is back to school and starting her clubs back up. She is also helping a lot with the summer camp coming up. I am writing my first two grants (you will soon be able to find those on the Peace Corps website). I am also working hard to help the local women's shelter re-open. Good fun.
• New volunteers will be arriving soon. Rach and I are very excited. We are hoping to be Trainers for them but if we aren't, we can't wait to help them adjust to their new life here.
• We are having lots of trouble getting to our blog website many times. This means that the updates will be even more sporadic than normal. Sorry.
This now concludes your Monday edition of this blog. I hope you enjoyed.
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