Thursday, November 5, 2009

two in a row?

Who would have known that I would need to rant twice in a row. But today just started out as one of those days where I want to give up. Sometimes I amazed at the rudeness of people. So here is what set me off....

I recently got a package from my bestest friend TT which included a wonderful Duncan Hines cake and chocolate frosting. I was super exicted about it beacuse the cakes here just aren't good. And it's a huge treat to get something like that from America. So last night I decided to make this amazing cake... which doesn't take a lot of ingredients but does take a lot of upper arm strength since it required a blender (which we don't have). After spending 40 minutes beating out all the lumps and getting it into the oven, it was finally finished. After dinner me, Thomas and my host all ate a small piece, leaving 3/4 of it for the next day to share with my sister when she came home. So I set the cake on a seperate table and continued about my night. Later in the evening two high school age boys came over to spend the night so that the next morning they could help my host mother sort beans. The next morning I got up and went into the dining room to find that the 2 boys had eaten the entire rest of the cake. Without asking ANYONE! They didn't just eat a piece they ate ALL of it. I was so pissed. I could tell my host mom didnt understand why I was so angry. After all it was just a cake right? It really wasn't the cake that was a big deal.... it was the fact that 2 random boys came to MY house and proceeded to eat everything insight without any regard for whose it might be.... and they ate the ENTIRE cake. What is wrong with people? They never apologized or anything, they just said they didn't know it was mine. Even if it was my host mom's, what right do they have to come into our house and eat an entire cake without asking? AHHHH!! I was so angry I had to get out of my house and come to the city where I now am typing this ridiculous rant.....

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