Wednesday, March 25, 2009

movies we must have!

So Thomas and I have come up with a list of movies that are not out yet that we must have at some point during our time away... so here goes...

Slumdog Millionaire
The Reader
Harry Potter and the half blood prince
Sunshine Cleaners

So there it is!

We are leaving on Friday... I'm not even freaked out. I'm sad about leaving my kitty. But she's with good people who will love her. That's about all I'm sad about. Mostly because you can't explain this to a cat. If she understood English all would be well. Otherwise I just feel amazingly calm. We've been planning, talking and thinking about this for so long that it just feels normal... like the next step.
I've been asked by multiple people if we plan on buying a house when we get back. I just can't see that happening. It seems like the biggest trap. I cannot imagine being stuck, in debt, in one place for as long as it takes to pay back the debt. No thanks! I guess what some people haven't understood is that this is just the beginning of what we want to do for a long time. We might stay put long enough to go back to school but that's it.... I hope. One of my biggest fears is getting stuck.

More when we get to Philly and get details.

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