Friday, August 28, 2009

I really don't know

Asel, (the peace corps safety and security coordinator) came to visit Talas this week. I freakin love her! She is so sassy! She introduced us to the governor and police force in Talas. I've always been a little wary of the police here but our meeting went great. The entire Talas City police force was there. It was a bit intimidating at first. We all had to stand up and introduce ourselves and tell where we lived and what we did. After each volunteer introduced themselves the entire police force clapped... everytime. Then at the end we took questions and they asked a city volunteer if he would have an English club for the police. It was great!

We found out this week that we helped out family stay in their home and helped our brother get to go to university. Basically, before we came our brother talked about going to University and his Uncle told him he could not go because if he moved out my sister and mother would live alone. And he said it is dangerous for them to live alone. So if my brother decided to go to university then my mother and sister would have to move in with other family members.... but then we came and everything worked out.

We also talked to them about how we wanted to live with them for our entire service and they were thrilled. They said they already thought of us as family and that we helped them to not be lonely. It was very sweet. Now if they will just let Sadie in the house everything would be perfect!

School starts Tuesday. I found out yesterday that the first day of school isnt even spent at the school. It's spent guesting at the first grade students houses. I love guesting... sitting around with a bunch of people, chatting about nothing, everyone staring at me b/c I look different. The only thing I don't like about it is how much food I have to eat! I have to eat and eat and eat some more so I don't offend anyone. Speaking of food....

We made taco's for our family yesterday and they loved them! I mean LOVED!!!! My brother told me I could make taco's everyday and he would eat them. Thomas taught him the phrase "oh buddy" on accident when they were playing a chess game. So as he was eating he just kept saying "oh buddy......ohhhh buddy!" It was so funny!

Today my sister comes back from Bishkek!! Wahoo!!! I miss her. She has been gone for a month! I can't even remember what she looks like! Oh and a k-16 volunteer from Talas just got engaged to a kyrgyz girl. She is really awesome. Beautiful and speaks fantastic English.

All for now! More once school starts!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

and then there was fried chicken...

August 18, 2009

I had lunch with Diego today. We went to this resturaunt that Kristen told us about. It was delicious! Fried chicken and french fries. Total comfort food... I couldn't believe it existed here! I think I talk about food too much in my blogs. I guess it's obvious what I miss most about America... lol!

Diego and I talked about our future plans and all the things we wanted to do after Peace Corps. He is the one person Thomas and I have really connected with here. We share very similar ideas and goals. Not that I can only be friends with people like me but it helps to have common interests and ideas to form a strong friendship. He is one of the few people I have met who isn't using Peace Corps as a means to an end. He is here because he believes that he can actually do something good. I feel the same way. We had a good talk.

I am excited for school to start. Although I have enjoyed the restfulness of the summer. It has been nice to be away from the constant busyness I felt in America. Always having to be doing something, working, cleaning, working, busy, busy, busy. I have had one of the most relaxing summers. It has had its stressors.... being in a different country and speaking a different language. But I love the slower pace of Kyrgyzstan. The way people don't really rush to be anywhere and don't rush to do things. It's like they have all the time in the world to finish what they started. I like that. Although I know it will probably be aggravating when people don't show up for school things on time. We'll see.

I'm so proud of the girls in my English club. They have really worked hard this summer. We went through an entire chapter in the grammar book I have. We covered a lot of material and they really retained it well. They're not conversational yet but if they keep working as hard as they are, they will be very soon.

Tomorrow I am getting together with some other volunteers for a movie night and some mexican food. Wahoo!!! I am going to share the movies and TV shows that I got from Burns. They are all gonna flip a lid! It's kind of a big deal to get new material!

I am going to put up some new pics on Facebook soon so be on the lookout!

gatorade vom and English class

August 17, 2009

I threw up bright pink gatorade vomit all over the road today...mmmmm. I'm not even sure why I was naseaus. Maybe the sheep smell that's been permeating the house for 2 days now. We've had relatives over since Friday. It's customary when important people come to visit that you kill a sheep in their honor. So for 2 days my family has been eating sheep for every meal. I just have not aquired the taste required to eat sheep. My family seems to understand this and therefor I am exempt from eating it. Although last night I was offered half an eye ball from a relatives husband. I declined as politely as I could.

I met with my counterpart today to discuss lesson plans for the up coming school year. My school really needs new books. My counterpart has one book for the 8-11th grades that was written in 1986. The students don't have books so they have to copy everything down from the one book. It's a lot of reading and translating. I was hoping for a more grammar based approach. That is what I have been focusing on in my English clubs. It seems to me that if the students know the basics of English grammar then they will be able to construct their own sentences and thoughts, rather than only knowing phrases they have learned. I had been wondering why the students were able to speak on "topics" but not able to communicate away from that. For example, my sister can speak rather fluently about "her family". She can fluently tell me names, ages, where they live, what they do, etc. But she cannot translate that to tell me about someone not in her family, or discuss a different topic. I'm struggling with how to be effective and but not offend anyone, especially my counterpart. She gave me her lesson plans from last year. They consisted of the dates of the lesson, topic of the lesson, and page number. That was all.

Thomas has been in Osh since Saturday. He is helping some other volunteers with a University Camp on journalism. I have never been so bored in my life. I did not realize how much amusement we brought to each other. With him gone there is no one to speak to... atleast not fluently. My host sister is gone too. This makes it even harder since she is really the only person who can communicate with me in Kyrgyz in a way that I can completely understand. I read an entire novel today. The whole thing, cover to cover, that's how much free time I had on my hands.

School starts on September 1st. I will be teaching about 15 hours a week. But I'm sure I can fill the rest of my time with English clubs and tutoring. I have already had several people inquire about me tutoring their children. There are also 2 students I really want to help get ready for the Flex test so that maybe next year they can study in America. We'll see what happens.

Sadie is doing well. In only a few weeks she has learned, sit, stay, down, leave it and how to walk on a leash. She's a pretty smart dog! I have been taking her for walks in the evening and it has helped her get familiar with new people. She now rarely chases people down the road. She really only chases bikes and herds of sheep now. Much better than the women and small children she used to be prone to chasing. I have decided that at the end of September I will take her to the vet to get her fixed. She still seems a little underweight to me and a little young. She still has a lot of molars missing and Christina told me when they all come in she is 6 months. I'm guessing that will be about a month or so from now. It's neat how I've watched my family's interaction with her change. In Kyrgyzstan dogs aren't really pets the same way they are in America. They aren't petted or given "special" food or ever allowed inside. But my family has slowly been coming around. They have started petting her, giving her bones and talking to her sweetly when they think no one is listening. It's nice to see the impact I'm having even though it is relatively small. Start small......

I'm a slacker

July 27, 2009

Sorry I have been slacking on the blog posts. No real reason other than I haven't had a lot of new adventures to report. When school starts I'll probably have more enlightening things to say. I started tutoring one of our family's relatives (a cousin I think). His mom found out I was an English teacher and asked if I could tutor him. I had to say yes because she is our relative and our family would be embarrased if I didn't. But this kid has no desire to learn English, which is ok, it's just a bit of a waste of my time. I did have a talk with him about him atleast "trying" to learn. I also started creating more games to play with him, that seems to engage him a lot more than repetition and conversation. We'll see how it goes today! My sister has been getting pretty good with her English. Last night we had a whole conversation about her family. How many brothers and sisters? How old they were? What they did? Where they lived? Pretty cool that she's catching on fast. And she really wants to learn to. She created these themed lists of phrases. Like she has one for meal related conversation that says things like "this food is delicious" and " I am finished with food and tea." She taped it to the wall next to the dinner table so she can practice while we are eating. She wants to create lists for several different activities so she can tape them around the house. She's pretty cool.

I learned a kyrgyz card game. It's called "Crazy". I can't wait to blow the socks off some Kyrgyz guys next time they bust out the card deck. I'm actually pretty good at it too.

Friday I am going to Chui oblast to visit my first host family and another volunteer who lived in my training village. I'm going with one of the other new volunteers who live in Talas. Hopefully it will be a good chance to get to know each other better. We plan on heading out early Friday morniong so we can make it to the Peace Corps office before they close to turn in some forms and pick up the other volunteers passports. Then we will head to my training village and hang out with my family. On saturday we are hoping to get a ride into Bishkek with my host dad, since he goes everyday to drive a taxi. And then try and find the vet's office we have been in touch with and talk to them about getting my puppy spayed and her kittens neutered. Then we're going to head to this awesome Chinese resturaunt to eat with my Kyrgyz teachers from training. Then off to the Beta Store and Osh bazaar to buy things we can't get in Talas. Things like Peanut Butter, spices, dove chocolate, BBQ Sauce, parmesan cheese, popcorn, brown sugar, etc. Then saturday night at Alysons house. I''m excited to get out of Talas for a little while and to see Alyson. I haven't seen her since we moved to Talas.

We got a fridge!! Woohoo for butter and mean and yogurt and milk and juice! And for food not sitting in the kitchen swarming with flies! Woohooo! It's an awesome fridge too. Full size with an ice cube tray. Heck yea!

I gotta call Peace Corps today and try to work out my leave dates for next summer. Trying to make it to Stephanie's wedding. As long as Peace Corps says yes I'm pretty sure Thomas and I can both go. We've had a few awesome people offer to help us out with plane tickets. We'll probably have a month of leave built up by that time so tentatively mark your calenders for seeing us next May! I can't wait to steal my kitty for a month!!

My puppy has turned into a bit of a terror lately. She is teething and therefor wants to chew on everything. Shoes, clothes, hands, toes. She has also taken up chasing the little kids down the street and nipping at their heels. No idea how to stop this behavior. It's driving me crazy. She is such a sweet dog as long as no one she doesn't know is around. If a stranger walks down the street she goes nuts. But when I take her out with me like to the store or for a walk, she is totally fine with strangers. I think she has extended the boundary of our home into the road and now feels like she has to protect it. Hmmm... Anybody got any ideas. My family wants to chain her up during the day if she keeps it up, especially since she's getting pretty big.

Anyways that's all for now

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

great day

Had a fantastic day so far today. Some volunteers who live in another oblast came to visit this week. The first visitors we've had here. They came into the city today and we found this new resturaunt that has pizza and a full bar. It was amazing. It was nice to just sit and eat and laugh with other people. Really great time.

Tomorrow I start my English club again. I'm not expecting to many kids though since right now most of them are working out in the fields. We'll see though. Today we were supposed to meet at the school to decide when we would have English clubs and only one girl showed up. So maybe I will only have 1 student. She's a sweet girl so I don't mind tutoring her one on one.

I took my puppy with me to the school since we were meeting outside. She did great. She's really learning to stay by my side and not pull me. She got a little scared when this big dog came charging at us but so did I, so I couldn't get mad at her for it. She's also gotten better about not chasing people. Not perfect yet but better. She still loves to go for the people on bikes. I'm trying to get her out and exersize and play more. A tired puppy is a good puppy. I found a tug rope for her in Bishkek and she is having a blast with it. Her first and only toy.

Still waiting on our packages to arrive. Hopefully this week they will come. If they don't come this week, I will be a little worried. Got an anniversary card from my momma so I know our address was correct.

This weekend I am going to visit my bff volunteer who lives in Chui. Should be a good time.