April 15, 2009
We were invited to our first birthday dinner on Sunday! Kyrgyz birthdays are a big deal... actually anything that might be a cause for a celebration is a big deal. Holo's apa turned .... mm... I don't think she ever said how old she was turning. Holo is our neighbor and a fellow volunteer. We were invited to his host mom's birthday dinner. There were about 12 other people there. They had a long, low table set up that we sat on the floor to eat off... this is what we call Kyrgyz style. The meal began normal enough until the vodka came out.... then we all were asked to make a toast and sing a song. I did not have to make a toast.... but Thomas' toast went something like this:
"Happy Birthday to the nice neighbor lady. You make the most kickin beet salad and most rockin apricot jam I've ever had!"
Then it was time to sing. Holo decides to go first since he had a song ready to go.... and did he ever!! Out of his mouth came this beautiful Hawaiian song. It was amazing... my jaw hit the floor. And then I had to follow his "super star" performance- as all the Kyrgyz people called him!
I have to interrupt this story to make an announcement:
IT'S SNOWING!!!! A LOT!!!! And it's April! What in the world!
Back to the story....
So I had to sing after Holo... I did a little Phantom of the Opera... the only song I could remember in my panic stricken state! Then Thomas sang the most monotonous song he could think of... Yesterday by The Beatles... It was terribad (Thomas told me to say that!) Then we ate some more, drank some more (not me though I don't do vodka), talked some more, Holo was asked to sing 5 more times!!!! It was a good time! I love the hospitality of the Kyrgyz people... they make sure that no one is ever left out or with an empty glass or plate!
Tomorrow I teach for the first time. Alyson and I are teaching 2 classes... one about going to the Doctor and the other on simple tenses... hopefully we will be understood. I'll let you know how it goes!
And for all of those who have yet to call us.... We miss you a lot and we would call you but it cost us an entire days stipend to talk for one minute! So call us! PLEASE!!! :)
We have had our "curfews" extended until 9m (it used to be 6pm) and are now allowed to travel by ourselves during the day for training... hopefully this extended curfew will allow for more frequent internet usage, but I don't really know.
Good night all!